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Intention Founder Shaman Isis aka Cynthia Elliott

Co-Founder & Designer

Intention Fashion, founded in 2018, is designed by Spiritual Channel, best-selling conscious living author, and PR pioneer Cynthia L. Elliott, aka by her pen name and avatar Shaman Isis.

Cynthia began advocating for sustainability in the late '90s when she chose to make vintage eyewear famous in the media and among many top celebrities. In the early 2000's, in an attempt to get sustainability trending, Cynthia began dressing top actresses in vintage gowns at global red carpet events. It was an effort to speak to an alternative to buying new products. The move generated worldwide media  attention to sustainable fashion but did not have the lasting effect she hoped for. 

In an effort to promote American manufacturing, she shifted from working with international brands to working primarily to promote products made in America. The move included trend-setting work with American manufacturers such as Stimpson, Wicks Unlimited, MD Science Lab, and Cheribundi. 

In 2017, she began work on, the first sustainable fashion essentials collection for sensitive skin. The line is a tribute to her mother who taught her about investment dressing. Intention Fashion promotes well-made essentials that fit many sizes and can be styled in many ways. 

To learn more about her books and spiritual work, visit


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